
Digital Transformation in Research – DiTraRe

Research results are increasingly being shaped by digitization processes - this applies both to research methods and to their communication in science and society. With a focus on "Digital Transformation," FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) will investigate the effects of the increasing digitization of scientific work in four research clusters within the Leibniz ScienceCampus "Digital Transformation in Research" (DiTraRe) on an interdisciplinary basis and develop specific solutions based on use cases from various disciplines. For example, the research cluster "Protected Data Spaces" is dedicated to the use case "Sensitive Data in Sports Science". The other research clusters deal with intelligent data acquisition (use case: smart labs in chemistry), AI-based knowledge spaces (use case: artificial intelligence in biomedical engineering), and publication cultures (use case: publishing large amounts of data).

Leibniz Science Campuses enable Leibniz institutions and universities to cooperate on a thematically focused basis in the sense of a regional partnership. The aim is to create networks in order to further develop the respective research area and to strengthen the scientific environment. Leibniz Science Campuses conduct strategic research, promote interdisciplinarity in topics, projects and methods, make the respective location visible and strengthen its research profile.